The “Authors” pages says the abstract deadline was extended to next week, but I’m not able to access the abstract submission. Where do I set up a username/password to do so? Do I need to register first?
Please could I get some clarification regarding the referencing style required in the abstracts. What is asked for (APA) is not what is shown in the template and I a bit confused as to what to use.
Is there any format in which the Abstract has to be sent. If so please mail the format.
The “Authors” pages says the abstract deadline was extended to next week, but I’m not able to access the abstract submission. Where do I set up a username/password to do so? Do I need to register first?
Good day,
Please could I get some clarification regarding the referencing style required in the abstracts. What is asked for (APA) is not what is shown in the template and I a bit confused as to what to use.
Good morning,
Is there a recommended poster layout for the conference or is this left to the author’s discretion?